Saturday, August 10, 2019

Effects of Structural Adjustment Programs and Globalization on women Essay

Effects of Structural Adjustment Programs and Globalization on women in Zambia - Essay Example Structural Adjustment Programs that are the policy package of the IMF and World Bank which calls for reducing government expenses, privatization, and opening up countries to manipulative foreign investment, among other dealings which actually has intensified poverty around the world. In the two regions with the most structural adjustment experience, per capita income has vegetated as in Latin America or fallen as in Africa. Structural adjustment has also contributed to rising income and wealth inequality in the developing world. "In terms of policy initiatives, the market-based approach embodied in SAPs became pre-eminent in the 1980s. SAPs have become widespread throughout the developing world. By the end of 1989, they had been put into force in 28 Sub-Sahara African countries. In total, 55 borrowing countries had been involved (World Bank,1990). Up to the end of 1988, adjustment efforts have been concentrated in Latin America and especially, Africa, by governments that have, however, varied considerably in their commitment, willingness and ability to implement policy changes." "Elson, (1987) distinguished betwe... the elimination of exchange controlsthe floating of the kwacha the liberalization of the banking sector the removal of quantitative restrictions on imports and exports the reduction of the level and dispersion of customs tariffs It is a report given by World Bank in 1990 "In terms of policy initiatives, the market-based approach embodied in SAPs became pre-eminent in the 1980s. SAPs have become widespread throughout the developing world. By the end of 1989, they had been put into force in 28 Sub-Sahara African countries. In total, 55 borrowing countries had been involved (World Bank,1990). Up to the end of 1988, adjustment efforts have been concentrated in Latin America and especially, Africa, by governments that have, however, varied considerably in their commitment, willingness and ability to implement policy changes." There is another report which is quoted over here as it is:: "Elson, (1987) distinguished between women in different parts of the economy. While some women will gain in terms of employment and income from the end of certain subsidies and the development of the market; others will lose. The contraction of the state's role will also have a mixed effect on women. Certain actions of the state have perpetuated women's subordination while others have aided women. Gender issues have mostly been expressed in terms general to all developing countries. This global approach to gender issues is partly due to the universality of the way that economic upheaval and worsened poverty impinge on women multiple roles in delivering sustenance to their families. It is also partly because the evidence of the impact of the new policies on women tends to be anecdotal with continental cross-reference." Structural Adjustment Programs have

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